Purpose, Vision, & Mission


Great Purpose

Making disciples of Christ and establishing assemblies which uphold all His teachings among every unreached people group of the 10/40 Window.


Healthy, vibrant, indigenous, sending assemblies in the 10/40 Window bringing glory to God and established in the faith in harmony with our core commitments (below).


  1. Mobilize and equip disciples of Christ, especially among North American Anabaptists, to make disciples and plant churches among unreached people groups of the 10/40 Window.

  2. Make disciples among unreached peoples in the 10/40 Window (particularly the least accessible) and gather those disciples into solid assemblies functioning under the Lordship and Headship of Christ.

  3. See these assemblies brought to spiritual maturity (Eph. 4:13) and reflecting our core commitments (below), sending out laborers from their midst to repeat the same (2 Timothy 2:2)


Core Commitments

  1. Christ as the literal functioning Head and Lord of the local assembly (corporately) and each individual believer (freedom of conscience) through both His written Word and His Holy Spirit.

  2. The Cross, persecution, and suffering as normal in the believer's life and an essential method and means of grace and maturity.

  3. The importance of making disciples and the spreading of Christ’s Kingdom, in accordance with Matthew 5-7, Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-20.

  4. The importance of a godly sanctified life and character especially in missionaries and leaders in adorning the Good News of the Kingdom, glorifying Christ, and making Him known. In the entire life, including finances, we promote: integrity (trustworthiness), transparency, accountability, and generosity (1 Cor. 9:5-15).

  5. The importance of power of the Holy Spirit in producing fruit, spiritual gifts, and also miracles and signs to spread the Kingdom of Christ.

  6. The importance of prayer in all points and activities, especially the points above.

  7. The importance of the family and family values:

    • Marriage as one man and one woman for life. We commend local assemblies in the fear of the Lord to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God how to resolve existing situations not in accordance with this standard such as polygamy, divorce and remarriage, etc.

    • Sex distinctive modest apparel applied in the context of the local/host culture both as a means of preserving the family and also as an expression of godly order and piety, decorating the Good News of Christ.

    • The importance of Godly order in the home, namely each man as head and spiritual leader of his home, and the woman submitted to the same as an example of Christ and the Assembly. We believe in the uncovered head for men and the covered head for women (1 Cor. 11:4-5), as a literal functioning expression and sign of this.

  8. The expression or manifestation of the above order in the home in the local assembly, namely male leadership and teaching etc. Just as in the godly home this does not permit or produce oppression or subjugation of sisters, so in the assembly and elsewhere sisters are not less than brothers in the Lord, but should be involved in teaching other sisters, prayers, performing miracles, signs, wonders, etc., and actively leading others to Christ.

  9. The importance of believers seeking Christ and His Kingdom first. We believe our citizenship is of heaven and as of such avoid over-much encumbering ourselves with the affairs of earthly kingdoms. We believe this excludes military participation and use of earthly force, as well as pressuring or otherwise seeking to control/influence the governments of the land we may find ourselves in. Certainly, we can find godly ways to serve or offer advice, not as a part of but rather as ambassadors in a foreign land.

  10. Whenever possible, we accept all volunteers who profess allegiance and surrender to Christ and present themselves for service. We will try to meet them where they are and to assist them on their journey of personal development to usefulness in the Kingdom and if possible to serve within our organization in harmony with the core commitments above. We endeavor to assist in developing leadership for anyone who aspires to that function.